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common frog in a sentence

"common frog" in Chinese  


  • "Cycloramphus fuliginosus " is a common frog.
  • "Leptodactylus colombiensis " is a common frog.
  • It has many amphibians, including great crested newts and common frogs.
  • Other fauna include common frogs, damselflies and dragonflies.
  • However the only amphibian found is the common frog.
  • The common frog is plentiful, and is the only type of frog found.
  • The common frog has long been thought to be an entirely introduced species in Ireland,
  • "Eleutherodactylus inoptatus " is a common frog found in mesic hardwood forests.
  • "Craugastor laevissimus " was previously a common frog but has then declined.
  • It is a locally common frog found by ponds and streams in dry evergreen forests.
  • It's difficult to see common frog in a sentence .
  • The common frog is also prevalent.
  • This is not a very common frog, but it is not considered to be threatened.
  • "Cacosternum nanum " is one of the most common frogs in its range.
  • Amphibians include common frog and toads.
  • Amphibians are represented by moor frog, common frog, true toad, and smooth newt.
  • This previously common frog has declined in abundance, particularly in the southern parts of its range.
  • Common frogs metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages  aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile, and adult.
  • Some common species include mallards, black-headed gulls, water voles, common frogs and common gulls.
  • There are three species of protected frogs in the lake : common frog, common toad, and smooth newt.
  • Three species have a population of national importance : the Alpine newt, yellow-bellied toad and common frog.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define common frog in a sentence and how is the word common frog used in a sentence and examples? common frog造句, common frog造句, 用common frog造句, common frog meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.